At Phyziofit, our Hostel Nursing Team offers services in Subvented Homes, Contract Homes, Private Homes, and Homes for the Disabled.
1. 量度生命跡象 Vital Signs Measurements
- 血糖 Blood Sugar
- 血壓量度 Blood Pressure
- 血氧量 Oxygen Level
- 體溫 Temperature
2. 藥物管理 / 核對 Administration of Medication
3. 藥物注射 Drug Injection
- 肌肉注射 Intramuscular Injection
- 皮下注射 Subcutaneous Injection
4. 傷口及造口護理 Wound and Stoma Care
- 經皮內視鏡胃造口 PEG
- 氣管造口 Tracheostomy Care
- 結腸造口 Colostomy Care
5. 抽痰服務 Suction Service
6. 鼻胃管餵飼及護理 Nasogastric Tube Care
7. 導尿管護理 Urinary Catheter Care
8. 腹膜透析 Peritoneal Dialysis
9. 個人照顧計劃 Individual Care Plan
電郵 Email:
電話 Telephone No.:+852 5129 8670 (Whatsapp)
地址 Address: P.O. Box 44407, Shau Kei Wan Post Office
Copyright © 2023 Phyziofit 物康醫療 — 保留所有權利。