物康醫療的臨床心理學團隊能為服務使用者提供綜合的精神、情緒及行為健康評估和治療。服務對象包括個人 (兒童、青少年及成人)、配偶及家庭。透過團隊成員所制定的目標和合適治療方案,從而令治療師能理解、預測、描述、影響及改變服務使用者的行為,以及提升生活質素。
At Phyziofit, our Clinical Psychology team can provide a comprehensive mental, emotional, and behavioural health care assessment and treatment to clients who are in need. Our targeted service users include Personal (Children, Teenagers, and Adults), Couples, and Family. Through the Goals and suitable Treatment Plans set by our members of the team, this enables therapists to Understand, Predict, Describe, Influence, and Modify service users' Behaviour, and improve quality of life.
Online Consultation/Therapy Session
🔹 上癮 Addition
🔹 適應障礙症 Adjustment Disorder
🔹 自閉 Autism
🔹 雙相情緒障礙症 Bipolar Disorder
🔹 邊緣型人格障礙 Borderline Personality Disorder
🔹 抑鬱症 Depression
🔹 專註力失調及過度活躍症 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
🔹 進食失調 Eating Disorder
🔹 廣泛性焦慮症 General Anxiety Disorder
🔹 失眠 Insomnia
🔹 強逼障礙症 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
🔹 讀寫障礙 Developmental Dyslexia
🔹 創傷後壓力症 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Online Consultation / Session Service Details
每節 60分鐘
60 minutes per session
星期一至日 (包括公眾假期), 24小時
Monday to Sunday (Including Public Holidays), 24 Hours
發送電郵到 phyziofit.hk@gmail.com
或致電/發信息到 +852 5129 8670
Send an Email to phyziofit.hk@gmail.com
OR contact / send a message to +852 5129 8670
Zoom / Skype / Google Meet / Microsoft Teams
PayMe / 轉數快 FPS / 直接轉帳 Direct Transfer
英文 English, 廣東話 Cantonese, 普通話 Putonghua, 土耳其文 Turkish
線上諮詢使用到的平台是安全的,所有談話內容不會被錄音。 客戶所提供的所有資料,物康醫療會絕對保密。 The online platforms used for online consultation are all secured. The conversation held between therapist and client will not be recorded. All information provided by the clients will be kept strictly confidential.
Service Booking Procedure
今日營業 | 上午09:00 – 下午05:00 |
電郵 Email: phyziofit.hk@gmail.com
電話 Telephone No.:+852 5129 8670 (Whatsapp)
地址 Address: P.O. Box 44407, Shau Kei Wan Post Office
Copyright © 2023 Phyziofit 物康醫療 — 保留所有權利。